
This is a simple page to host my GitHub projects and give them some context :-). All sources can be found at my Github:


Fantasy map
Excel fantasy map creator

A spreadsheet to create a fantasy map for games, including a how-to. Excel Fantasy Map

Download the excel here from dropbox

VBA to Github

A 5 step how-to for VBA/Excel developers who want to share their code and want to have structure in their excel-tool development Excel VBA to Github

A mural in Utrecht, NL
Leaflet JS - Murals on a Map (v2)

Second version of my project to display murals on a map, using OpenStreetMap data and LeafletJS. I'm scraping the info using Google Sheets/scripts. About

Direct link to the map

A mural in Utrecht, NL
Leaflet JS - Murals on a Map (v1)

A project to display murals in Utrecht (NL) on a map, using OpenStreetMap data and LeafletJS. About MuralsOnAMap

Direct link to the map

Wrdfndr Logo
WRDFNDR - a tool to make wordfinder puzzles

I built an Excel tool that can create wordfinder puzzles and am re-working that into an online tool. The code can be found here (WIP) and the Excel first version download is here.

Working prototype:


Some code I wrote to load geographical information into Excel. Uses VBA and OSM/OverpassTurbo as the source.

Code: in this repo

Crypto VBA
Crypto VBA

A lot of code I wrote to connect Excel to various crypto exchanges. A good example on how a hobby got out of hand ;-). Note that most code is outdated (parties updated their APIs) and I'm no longer maintaining it. Second note: I built the code to test my skills and to try to automate trading on various crypto platforms. The code worked but my trading results were terrible.

Code: in this repo